Gayatri’s Art Plaza

Oil paintings and charcoal sketches are two of the most popular and enduring art forms.

They have been used to create beautiful and expressive works of art for centuries. Oil paintings are known for their rich colors, depth, and luminosity. Charcoal sketches are known for their dramatic contrasts of light and dark, and their ability to capture the essence of a subject in a few simple strokes.

We offer custom oil paintings and charcoal sketches. We can create a painting or sketch of any subject, in any style. Whether you are looking for a portrait of your loved one, a landscape painting of your favorite place, or a charcoal sketch of your pet, we can help you create a unique and lasting work of art.

We are passionate about art, and we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to own a beautiful and unique work of art. That’s why we offer our custom oil paintings and charcoal sketches at affordable prices. We want to make sure that everyone can enjoy the beauty of these timeless art forms.

If you are interested in creating a custom oil painting or charcoal sketch, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your project with you and help you create a work of art that you will cherish for years to come.

The size is customisable and the price varies depending on the same. Please connect with us for further details.

We will get back to you in 1-2 working days.